Monday, November 9, 2009

Jeff: T minus 10 hours

So here I am sitting comfortably in my home office in San Jose, while my sweetie is 6,417 miles away (oh yeah - "sweeties" - plural!). Just a quick update, and I hope Susie will be able to supply "woman on the scene" updates as she travels. I know it will be tougher for her - she is not carrying a laptop like I did on our first trip.

Anyway, Sue made it to Donets'k on schedule, after taking four segments and being in 5 countries (US, Canada, Germany, Austria, Ukraine) in under 24 hours. Very tired, very sick (Bring back memories, Tracy?), and very annoyed with the way the trip went. Some guy dumped a drink on her while she was sleeping on the plane - end of nap!

Our facilitator called me at about 7:30 this morning to let me know that Sue could not get the SIM chip working in her phone, so I can call the interpreter that is traveling with her. They hope to get her a new phone when she gets to Kiev - we'll see. I asked the facilitator about the rest of the week - he says it's all lined up and on schedule - we should be in good shape.

Brief conversation with Sue - she just relayed what I said above. I'm trying to decide if I should call her around midnight our time - she should be on her way back from Mariupol to Donets'k with our daughter by then:-)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations you guys! Reading your blog brings back a lot of memories and is of great encouragement. Give me a call when you get back. I'd love to get together (kids, too!). -Tracy
